David Rees has been producing the mind blowing comic Get Your War On since later 2001 with much success. It started out with a website which gained cult status, and you’ve seen his works in Rolling Stone, an alternative newspaper anywhere in the United States, as well as some very popular books. I’ve been following his works since his start, and I am glad he was able to give us some time.
I started “GET YOUR WAR ON” after 9/11 when we started bombing Afghanistan. I was skeptical of the whole idea of a never-ending “War on Terror”. It sounded expensive and dangerous.
I started making comics as a kid. I started using clip art when I was an underemployed college graduate. Thank you, B.A. in Philosophy! You paved the way (in my mind) to make “visual stories” using Bill Gates’ clip art in PowerPoint, the best computer program for graphics. I can feel Aristotle’s hand on my shoulder when I make my comics– have you ever read his book, “The Secret”? It explains how to make the universe do your bidding just by wishing for crap really hard.
You can find it in Rolling Stone magazine and in a handful of weekly “alternative newspapers” scattered anemically throughout the Land of the Free.
I just chose the boringest, most blandest, most ultra-most-banal-ist clip art I could find. I love such imagery. The Voltron thing was an aberration, obviously, because that image is very EXCITING and BAD-ASS. And, unlike the public domain clip art, we had some “unforeseen legal drama” to work out with the copyright holders of the VOLTRON BRAND.
I thought it made sense to donate the book royalties to land-mine clearance in Afghanistan since that was one of the issues that compelled me to make GYWO in the first place (ie Dropping cluster bombs on Afghans).
I would describe it like this: “Imagine a world in which your every desire is fulfilled… in which every dream is realized… a place where your deepest secrets spring to life… where imagination and reality waltz together under a harvest moon. An exciting, roller-coaster ride of whimsy, laughter, and good times. OK, now that you have imagined all that, imagine the exact opposite. Congratulations! You have just imagined GET YOUR WAR ON, the most boring, jejune comic of all time– which is somehow, madly, paradoxically, also the GREATEST COMIC of all time! Also, profanity.”
Yes, when the Rude Mechs (Texas theatre company) toured their adaptation of GET YOUR WAR ON last year, I traveled to Washington, DC to see the show and participate in a Q&A afterwards. Then I saw it again in New York City, which is where they brought it most recently– namely, to New York City. They utilize four overhead transparency projectors simultaneously, which is marvelous and magical and makes me very envious, since I only use one overhead projector at a time. Also, you should know that their overhead transparency projectors used to belong to a little company in Texas known as ENRON. This is not a joke.
I don’t live in Brooklyn anymore. I live in a little town north of Manhattan. It takes about 90 minutes to travel to the city now, so I only go in a few times a month. My wife and I started a vegetable garden and I just set up a drumkit in our garage so I am very excited. Also, we have a birdfeeder outside our kitchen window so I can look at birds while I wash the dishes. I don’t miss the city at all, except for seeing freaky weirdo movies from other countries, which is more difficult now. And sometimes I miss my friends. I try to talk to them on the phone but our phone service sucks up here so I usually get frustrated and hang up.
Such claims are inaccurate and hurt our troops. Also, the terrorists want to kill your children.
I will stop GET YOUR WAR ON when Bush leaves office. I will never read another newspaper again; I will forget where Afghanistan is on the map; I will stop caring about the death toll in Iraq; I will sleep like a baby every single night. I cannot wait.
I would like to give a shout-out to Cannonball Press, the woodcut pirates. And I would like to give a shout-out to my wife and thank her for making all the nice food for our Memorial Day picnic. Also, a shout-out to Fred Kaplan and Dahlia Lithwick of Slate magazine for their fine journalism. And a final, big humongous shout-out to David Brooks, for being a goddamn idiot.
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