Colours are an inevitable and ever-present element in oil painting. Colours are considered as the final stage in the creation of the effect of pictorial realism. Crucial are colours in painting and colours always played an important role in the structure of the creation of an oil painting. Yet it was not until after the nineteenth century did artists gain courage to abandon their old ways of colour usage in oil painting and make vast and drastic changes to the use of colours. These changes were mostly to sacrifice on tones. In the process of this change and transition that oil paintings were facing, forms had the tendency to be lost in paintings and artists rid their their paintings of dim interiors in order to incorporate bright landscapes through the use of colours. Beginning from the early nineteenth century, artists from all over Europe, especially the English artists had a major influence in the use of colours as the changes came about.
Influential artists appeared in great numbers as the changes came about during the early nineteenth century. Some of them are very famous even to this day. Vincent van Gogh, a Dutch artist whose artworks had great fame, is a great example of whose paintings conveyed the perception and existence of nature by employing fierce colours and unique brushstrokes. Another famous artist on the list is Corot, who made use of colour tones close to one another to paint paintings containing a very large area. Corot also devised and made subtle use of light and dark to beautify his paintings. Gauguin is another great example of artists who gained great achievements in colour design. Gauguin enclosed colour schemes through the usage of line design. One great master whose works were undeniably wonderful is an artist by the name of Turner. Turner knew about the effects that different weather conditions had on landscapes and he possessed an unrivalled amount of knowledge on that subject. The knowledge of Turner helped him illustrate his imaginations on canvas with great excellence. The fact that all these artists were influential is undeniable because these artists clearly changed the entire history of colour design. Th
ese artists took a bold step forward in advancing the design of colours, thus creating what is present in this day.
The influence that past artists left caused many paintings in this modern age to have similar looks and styles that resemble the paintings done by artists of the past. These effects are evident in modern day oil paintings because many artists today still use many styles of colour usage applied in the nineteenth century. The use of colours and the designs in modern oil paintings are a reflection of the styles in the past, which slowly added up and amounted into a collection of great oil painting styles.