Chris has been creating some massive works with such great detail that I felt compelled to feature him on the site, making my job here that much more exciting. It is refreshing to see an artist with such talent and drive as Chris has, and I am glad he gave us his time.
School was great, being surrounded by people who share the same interests, talent and inspirations is the perfect environment for an artist. Studying in London kept me motivated, I like being around the atmosphere of a big city. One of my tutors was David Foldvari, having people with that experience and talent around me helped alot.
Since graduating last summer I haven’t stopped reaching people and showing the world my work at every opportunity. I have to say that all my job’s so far have been fun, but working with ZOO YORK currently has been the most exciting, I will see my work on clothing and my own skateboard series in there new spring 07 wear. So watch out y’all.
As soon as I left Camberwell I just started e-mailing people, with that came exhibitions and magazine publications, my website and myspace also helped generate interest and clients. I haven’t needed to send out my portfolio yet but I am looking forward to see what response I get from that.
Thanks, I have been fascinated with architecture and cities for a while now; I have been to New York a few times so I think the combination created my intrigue with city life.
When I get some spare time I plan to start working on a new project based on Japanese cities.
I also play football (soccer) which is taken as serious as my illustration, it was once considered as a career and I guess it still could be but I am having a lot of fun right now with my artwork that I doubt it would ever happen. But you never know.
I take pictures wherever I go; normally I try and get as high as I can to search for what I am going to draw next. Once I have the photographs I can then get the intense detail into my work.
The commissions so far have paid well; so far my first year has gone better than Imagined.
Yeah the Black Wall has been a real success. It was the first time I had seen my work on a large scale and the guys down there really pulled it off well. The subway gallery is a new underground gallery in west London and I am just pleased to be part of its 1st year in London’s art scene.
It normally takes me 2/3 days to complete a piece but there can be exceptions for example downtown took me 4 days, the piece’s can get very obsessive which leads to no sleep.
My work has always in some way linked to New York even going back to my school days. I was at the top of the World Trade Centre 4 weeks before 9/11 and I think that really affected my work and me, I am sure this created a passion for New York City and New Yorkers. Many of these pieces were part of an exhibition called “Hey Man Hattan” which took place at the Notting Hill Arts Club, London. Even though I will always have a passion for NYC I am exploring other cities and will be basing a project on Hong Kong, Shanghai and Shenzhen,later on in the year.
An intensely detailed photo, when I get time Shanghai is next. And a good pen.
I always have an eye out for David Foldvari, Evan Hecox & Miles Donovan.
My collaboration Hybrid Bunny (clar, max, hugo, chainy & alex), ex Camberwell students and my bro Matt Dent who helped design & make my site keep it alive. Peace
Check Chris out here.
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